Matthew Myers with Goal Solutions featured on Executive Spotlight

Matthew Myers is President and CEO of Goal Solutions, a financial services company providing comprehensive and customizable asset management solutions driven by technology, analytics, and industry expertise. In addition to developing and leading the Executive Team, Mr. Myers is responsible for overseeing corporate strategy, M&A, and the culture of the organization. 

Name: Matthew Myers

Title: President and CEO

“You can’t teach a fish to climb a tree”

Name: Matthew Myers

Title: President and CEO

“You can’t teach a fish to climb a tree”

What is your favorite part of working at Goal Solutions?

The people. We hire fantastic people who consistently amaze me with their passion for the business, serving our customers and challenging the status quo through innovation. Also, our clients are some of the most interesting companies and smartest people you will find in lending and fintech.

In the receivables industry, what emerging trend has your attention?

The shifting communication preferences of consumers. Goal Solutions is highly focused on communication preferences and ensuring that we are optimizing our omnichannel strategies to meet consumers where they want to be engaged, be it digital or analog. We are also innovating self-service options, leveraging AI, so customers can speak with a live agent if they want, or not, and have the same overall positive experience.

What industry change do you predict over the next 5 years?

The industry will need to evolve to keep up with changes in the broader technology environment. Today, consumers do everything online with ease and simplicity. We need to match that level of experience or else we will not be able to effectively engage with customers. It’s not enough to just show up in a consumer’s life, you need to be able to do so in a way that meets expectations, or you will lose out to those who do.

How do you define success?

Success at Goal Solutions is enabling our clients to grow their core business and expand into new areas leveraging our technology, expertise, and credibility to help them get there. Success is also growing our people so that they collaborate to gain new skills and exposure to different perspectives on how to do things.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in life?

Don’t ask anybody to do something you wouldn’t do.

What advice would you give someone entering the receivables management industry?

How you collect is as important as what you collect.

What are you most proud of, or what is your biggest accomplishment?

Building and growing a successful company that has received awards for business achievements and workplace culture. Our culture is as much a calling card as our high level of performance.

What is your favorite book or podcast?

My favorite podcast is Freakonomics Radio. I read a lot of books, so I’m not sure that I have a favorite as they have different types of value to me (entertainment, personal growth, etc.).

If you could do any other non-industry job for just one day, what would it be?

I would be a professional mountain biker. I ride a lot, mostly mediocre. What the professionals do is crazy.

People would be surprised if they knew…

I was a DJ and owned a clothing line through my 20s and into my early 30s, all as a side gig while I was working in Credit Risk.

About Goal Solutions

Goal Solutions is a financial services company providing comprehensive and customizable asset management solutions driven by technology, analytics, and industry expertise. Founded on trust, commitment, collaboration, integrity, and innovation, Goal Solutions is rooted in our act honestly, with transparency, and professionally treating everybody with understanding, care, and respect.

Published On: January 9th, 2023|Categories: Executive Spotlight|Tags: , , |

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