Executive Spotlight with Erick Bzovi

Erick Bzovi with Healpay featured on Executive Spotlight

What are your primary duties in your current role?

Since the inception of HealPay, my roles have evolved. I started with administrative tasks and cold calling and later learned to code. Building the company from the ground up has allowed me to take on many responsibilities, further fueling my passion for continuous learning.

Currently, I lead a team of high-performing individuals and entrepreneurs. We aim to make HealPay the most vital technology company in the receivables industry. We achieve this by connecting creditors to consumers and enabling digital payments and communications. Our work involves navigating the complex fintech landscape. We prioritize innovation, compliance, and user satisfaction to ensure that we provide the best experience for our customers.

Industry Q&A:

How did you join the receivables industry?

After graduating from Michigan State University with degrees in finance and economics, I started searching for opportunities nationwide. However, with the Great Recession looming, I stayed in Detroit and started my career interning at a local commercial real estate firm.

During my internship, I became deeply interested in emerging markets, ultimately leading me to pursue entrepreneurship and tech startups. I dedicated four years to building an AdTech company, where I gained valuable experience and developed a deep understanding of behavioral economics through the lens of modern web applications.

I became increasingly fascinated with metrics, such as click-through rates, as I realized the impact data-driven software design could have on other industries. This newfound appreciation for data and its potential to revolutionize various fields has kept me interested in the tech industry ever since.

After selling the AdTech company to a private equity firm, I had to move on and find a new direction. This was a challenging time for me, but I used the experience to learn what to do and what not to do in the future.

Around 2010, I met Lance Carlson in Ann Arbor, MI, and we co-founded HealPay. Lance was skilled in developing contemporary web applications, and we shared a common goal of becoming debt-free. We had both accumulated debts from student loans and credit cards and were fed up with the old-fashioned and inefficient methods used by debt collectors.

In the receivables industry, what emerging trend has your attention?

Digital Communication.

With the decreasing number of people checking their mailboxes every day, snail mail has become less practical, efficient, and dependable, making digital communication long overdue.

What are your hopes for the receivables industry?

I hope the ARM industry embraces next-generation practice management software. With the help of cloud services, creditors and consumers can communicate more effectively and in real-time.

Many debt collection agencies and law firms rely on outdated desktop applications running obsolete operating systems. Despite the availability of modern web browsers and mobile devices, these antiquated systems hinder efficient and effective communication.

What is your favorite part of working at your company?

The chance to create and come up with new ideas to market test!

Professional Motivation & Inspiration:

Share a quote that motivates or inspires you:

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…” 

– Theodore Roosevelt

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in life?

You pick your partners, and you get what you tolerate.

What are you most proud of, or what is your biggest accomplishment?

I grew up in a family that was involved in Detroit’s automobile industry. I take pride in carrying the same work ethic and perseverance instilled in me by my upbringing into new endeavors. The ARM industry, with all its opportunities and challenges, continues to provide me with new accomplishments.

Personal Q&A:

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez from Sandlot. Legends never die.

If you work from home, what is the best thing about your home office setup/working from home? And if you work in an office, what is your favorite part of working in the office?

There are different levels of connectivity, and nothing can replace meeting someone in person.

What is your favorite book, movie, TV show, podcast, or music genre?

This changes frequently! But as of March 2024, The All-In Podcast (on YouTube) is my number one subscription. :P

People would be surprised if they knew…

If they knew, it wouldn’t be a surprise!

About HealPay

HealPay is a leading provider of payment services software, allowing businesses to accept credit, debit, and ACH payments from their customers. Our payment solutions include SettlementApp, IVR, RentRoll Pay, Pay Portal, and PayPortal. We specialize in automated solutions for Collection Attorneys & Firms, Auto Finance Companies, Charitable and Religious Organizations, Non-Profits, Property Managers, and Family Law Firms.

Our flagship web application, SettlementApp, innovates by analyzing data and providing individuals with flexible payment options. HealPay integrates with leading claims management software, accounting software, and payment gateways, automating reports and reducing data entry. We believe making payments should be a painless process.

HealPay connects businesses to clients via a web-based portal or over the phone with or without a customer service agent. Our white-label solutions allow businesses to extend payment solutions to their clients. All solutions are PCI-compliant and protected and secured by our 256 bit SSL encryption process.

Published On: March 28th, 2024|Categories: Executive Spotlight|Tags: , , |

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