Executive Spotlight with Barbara Nilsen

Receivables Info Executive Spotlight with Barbara Nilsen

Industry Q&A:

How did you join the receivables industry?

It was my first job out of law school. Like many others, I never intended to stay this long, but almost 19 years later I am still here. Despite the stigma of the debt collector, the receivables industry is full of friendly, compassionate and brilliant people, many of whom I am fortunate enough to call friends.

In the receivables industry, what emerging trend has your attention?

I spend the majority of my time focused on legal, compliance and risk management which means all emerging trends have my attention. Most recently our firm is focusing on digital communications with the consumer. It is the preferred method of communication for some consumers and being able to communicate with the consumer through their preferred channel of communication is an important goal for our firm.

What are your hopes for the receivables industry?

My hope is that the trade associations within the receivables industry continue to work together on issues of common importance. As NCBA president, I spent time collaborating with executive directors and presidents of the other trade associations and that time spent together was invaluable and insightful.

What is your favorite part of working at your company?

At Blitt and Gaines, we strive to foster a collaborative work environment which in turn results in a culture of strong camaraderie.

Professional Motivation & Inspiration:

Share a quote that motivates or inspires you:

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in life?

My mom always said to treat others how you want to be treated.

What are you most proud of, or what is your biggest accomplishment?

I am most proud of rising to a C-Suite position in a male-dominated field while leaving the door open for other women in the industry. The American Bar Association provides data demonstrating that in 2023, 39% of lawyers in the United States were female, a significant increase from only 27% in 2020. In addition, I am proud to be the second woman president of the National Creditors Bar Association.

Personal Q&A:

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be an attorney.

What is your favorite book, movie, TV show, podcast, or music genre?

My favorite movie is The Devil Wears Prada.

Do you have a pet? If so, what kind and what’s their name?

I have a mini goldendoodle puppy named Bentley.

About National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA)

National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA) is a bar association dedicated to serving law firms engaged in the practice of creditors rights law. Originally founded in 1993 as the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA), their membership grew and they quickly became the premier association for the creditors rights attorney. In 2015, the association recognized that the changes in the economy and in member firms’ practice areas meant that the association needed to change too. They broadened their membership base to include firms practicing in foreclosure, bankruptcy, student loans, replevin, to name a few, and expanded educational offerings and networking opportunities.

NCBA membership is comprised of over 350 law firms and individual members, totaling approximately 1,700 attorneys in the areas of creditors rights law, defense and in-house counsel. Members practice in over 20 different practice areas in the 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Their attorney members are committed to being professional, responsible and ethical in their practice and profession.

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