Executive spotlight profile of andrew house

Andrew House with VeriFacts, LLC featured on Executive Spotlight

Andrew House landed at VeriFacts fresh out of college 15 years ago and worked in several different roles before becoming a company owner in February 2020. Starting with Information Technology Specialist in 2006, he continually developed his skills to become Information Systems Manager, Director of IT, VP of IT CISO, and Executive VP CSO before the company purchase and his current position as Member, Chief Security Officer. In his current role, he is very involved in new systems development, database infrastructure, business continuity, incident response, third-party security certifications, and leading the VeriFacts information security team.

Image of andrew house in formal attire

Title: Member, Chief Security Officer

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison

Image of andrew house in formal attire

Title: Member, Chief Security Officer

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison

What is your favorite part of working at VeriFacts, LLC?

I love creating automated solutions for repetitive tasks, customizing our products and services to conform to each client’s individual needs, developing departmental dashboards, and introducing new technologies. Creating these solutions and then seeing them in action is so rewarding. With technology, we have the tools to do almost anything that one can dream of.

VeriFacts is such a fast and efficient organization; it allows us to create solutions in a matter of days instead of months.

Aside from that, our business model is very employee-driven, and our staff is just amazing. I’ve made so many long-lasting friendships and the culture throughout the entire organization is so driven, positive, and supportive.

In the receivables industry, what emerging trend has your attention?

I’m very interested in the TCPA regulations surrounding the definition of an ATDS and how it applies to our industry. The regulations haven’t quite caught up to redefining this based on emerging smartphone technologies, but I’m hopeful now that Facebook, with seemingly unlimited resources, is involved, progress will be made in better pairing TCPA regulations and current technology.

It will also be interesting to watch how the CFPB moves forward after very recently appointing a new director.

And finally, the discussion on student loan forgiveness is setting a dangerous precedent for all types of debt forgiveness without addressing the root cause of how we got to this point to begin with.

What industry change do you predict over the 5 next years?

I think significant changes to the regulations surrounding the student loan industry are coming. Mainstream media and politicians have increased their focus on this industry subset and that type of attention will drive change.

How do you define success?

I think success in life is easy to define. If you can be proud of what you’ve accomplished and it brings happiness to you and others, you’ve succeeded. For me, it’s providing job opportunities in our community to help support our VeriFacts employees and their families.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in life?

This is very general advice, but a friend and mentor of mine always said, “If it is meant to be, it shall be.” It’s kind of an obscure statement, but it always stuck with me as a reminder that some events in life will be beyond your control. It doesn’t mean to give up, it means to trust in yourself and the path you’ve taken.

What advice would you give someone entering the receivables management industry?

With so many different regulatory bodies overseeing this industry, there is constant speculation of change coming that you need to prep for, and at the same time, the major changes happen so slowly that there’s always plenty of time to properly prepare. If you’re hastily making changes or decisions for potential future changes, you’ll have no time left to focus on your actual business needs.

What are you most proud of?

Although we were hit with a pandemic and shutdown shortly after, purchasing VeriFacts in February of 2020 with the other three members of our Executive Team (Stephanie Clark, Rebecca Garland, and Angie Frederick) has changed our lives forever. Our skill sets and personalities complement each other perfectly and I’m looking forward to our many years of upcoming successes.

What is your favorite podcast?

I haven’t jumped on the podcast bandwagon yet but I’ve stopped counting how many times someone has tried talking to me about True Crime podcasts so they must be good.

If you could do any other non-industry job for just one day, what would it be?

I’ve recently developed a taste for high-quality bourbon, and it would be so much fun to spend a day learning how to become a master bourbon taster with the intent of one day opening up my own distillery.

People would be surprised if they knew…

Two years ago, my wife (who is the Vice President of Operations at VeriFacts) and I decided to buy a big Class-C motorhome so we could go camping with our 3 dogs. Now, most of our summer revolves around camping trips and I’m excited to continue exploring the U.S. with the family.

Aside from camping trips, I love kayaking, skydiving, and I’m still playing competitive basketball and sand volleyball.

About VeriFacts, LLC

Headquartered in Sterling, IL, VeriFacts, LLC is a leading service provider to the receivables management industry. We are committed to offering guaranteed customer location and employment verification services to creditors across the nation. Our brand has become synonymous with high-quality service and a positive customer experience for over 30 years.

Published On: February 4th, 2021|Categories: Executive Spotlight|Tags: , , |

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