Melody M. McClain-Armstrong with National Recovery Agency Group, LLC featured on Executive Spotlight

Melody M. McClain-Armstrong is devoted to helping to drive the ARM industry forward through advocacy efforts and collaboration among industry associations. As President of the Maine chapter of AAHAM (American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management), she is passionate about building and maintaining strong relationships that strengthen our collective voice and create positive change in industry legislation.

Title: Manager of Business Development

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw

Title: Manager of Business Development

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw

What is your role at National Recovery Agency Group, LLC?

I am the manager of business development at NRA Group, LLC.

What is your favorite part of working at National Recovery Agency Group, LLC?

I have many favorite things about working at National Recovery Agency – most importantly, I work with an amazing, dynamic team that makes me the professional that I am. We are a great team, village, and family. I immediately felt “at home” with this company and I take great pride in working here because of what we do for each other, our employees, and our community. It is incredible! I am also proud of the way we keep a finger on the pulse of technology and grow and adapt to the changes.

In the receivables industry, what emerging trend has your attention?

Like so many others, my attention is on the development, usage, and implementation of artificial intelligence, or AI. It has the potential to create a long-lasting, positive impact.

What industry change do you predict over the 5 next years?

We are beginning to see more predictive analytics and artificial intelligence in not just this industry but also all industries. Over the next five (5) years, I predict we will see more adaptations of both of these with the incorporation of AI into our businesses and processes. I think AI can really help with consumer communications. I also feel that AI will not eliminate jobs, instead it will add to our workforce and streamline how we do business.

How do you define success?

I define success as growth and knowledge. Especially in this industry, remaining open-minded and flexible is key.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in life?

It may be simple but the best piece of advice I ever received was from my father: Rise above and when you get knocked down, get back up and get up stronger.

What advice would you give someone entering the receivables management industry?

Educate yourself in the industry; soak in as much information as you can and NETWORK. No one is competition; everyone is a colleague who you can learn and grow from, make connections with, and build from. Networking is a critical key to success in this industry.

What are you most proud of or what is your biggest accomplishment?

I am most proud of becoming involved in different organizations and currently serving as the Maine AAHAM President!

What is your favorite book or podcast?

My favorite book is The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure by James Redfield

If you could do any other non-industry job for just one day, what would it be?

Actually, I already have that job part-time. On the weekends, I am a bartender and I love it. To me, bartending is fun, social, and just a different aspect of sales.

People would be surprised if they knew:

Many people don’t know that I was an accomplished ballet dancer for 14 years!

About NRA Group, LLC

National Recovery Agency, LLC specializes in early out services and revenue recovery for healthcare, municipalities and utilities. For more than 30 years, they have provided debt collection services for a variety of clients including major hospitals, financial institutions, utility companies, commercial, government, telecommunications, and retail collection services. The company is headquartered in Harrisburg, PA.

Published On: June 1st, 2021|Categories: Executive Spotlight|Tags: , |

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